How was going Analitika Expo 2016 exhibition

The 14 th International Exhibition for laboratory equipment and chemical reagents "Analitika Expo" took place in Moscow in April 12–14 of 2016. And our company participated there.
Analitika Expo is the biggest exhibition according to the participators number in Russia, where specialists for development and creation of analytical devices show their latest achievements.
More than 200 companies from 17 countries around the world took place in the exhibition. More than 5800 specialists visited the exhibition.
Active Co. Ltd had shown optical emission spectrometer SPAS-02 in work — each visitor could analyze his or her “check” sample, everyone were satisfied with the obtained results.
New design of the spectrometer had made a good impression. Some of the visitors wrongly thought that we are "western equipment" dealers.
According to the opinion of the specialists, who we were talking with, our spectrometer analyzes more quickly, than the others, which were shown on the exhibition, but it costs 4 times cheaper than its foreign analogues.